How a robot showed me that my off-track thinking was on-track
Let me start by introducing Robo who helps me around the house by vacuuming the floors, whenever my heart desires.
Robo is the bot for me. He is your typical modern-day bot – sleek, autonomous, comes with an app, and finds his way back to base when his battery is low.
The thing about Robo is he not only vacuums the floors, but also it's exciting to watch him and see where he is, how he is managing and what pattern he is moving about in. (We are thinking of cancelling our Netflix subscription).
Robo is proof that you don't have to do things in any pre-ordained order
And Robo has changed my life, or at least my cleaning behaviour
Robo has been with us for a week. I get him to clean the floors every 2 to 3 days. He's pretty good at it. He's better than I am at getting under the bed and buffet but can't get into crevices and does a 7/10 job on the rug (I like to think I do an 8.5/10 job).
Robo does the floors every 2 to 3 days, so essentially they are always clean #lifechanging. And having these clean floors has prompted me to clean the skirting boards, mop areas of floor more often and do more indepth floor cleaning (try cleaning under an upright piano!). I'm even going to do a full-on (translation = extreme) dust today, think fridge tops, table legs and behind and under the TV.
'But you are meant to dust and do the benches before you vacuum', said my mother.
I get it mum, dusting leads to dirt on floor; therefore dust then vac. BUT not having to vac today gives me time to dust and I know Robo will sort it all out tomorrow or another day.
Rules Schmules
There is only one rule that counts:
You don't always have to follow the rules. In fact, sometimes it is better that you don't.
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