What is stopping you?

Identify obstacles but don't overcome them

Sometimes starting is not about taking the first step, it is about removing an obstacle in your path.

I'm guessing that you are here because there is something (or some things) that you are not doing, that you want to be doing or feel you should be doing. That getting things done and making progress seems to be a challenge.

Let's face it life is a bit of an obstacle course, with a myriad of things, people, thoughts and circumstances seemingly getting in your way. So what's stopping you?

Obvious and not so obvious obstacles

The obvious

  • Fear of failure
  • Lack of time
  • Unclear where to start - too much to do / lots of aspects or elements

The not-so obvious

  • Don't want to do it (or the leg work)
  • Don't know how
  • Don't believe / have faith in the idea / project
  • People around me are unsupportive
  • Wanting it to be perfect
  • Life getting in the way
  • Too tired
  • Lack of confidence
  • Another priority takes over

How not to overcome obstacles

You don't have to try harder and push through. How about removing the obstacle or finding a way around it? And if you are totally stuck, maybe you should change track.

Approach removing obstacles in a problem-solving way. Ask yourself "How can I remove this obstacle?"

Here are some of my solutions, but I know you have your own.

  • Fear of failure. Convince yourself that it's OK to fail (because in fact it actually is!!) or that failing is better than doing nothing. The last bit works for me!
  • Lack of time. Don't try to squeeze it in when you really can't. Wait until you have time.
  • Too much to do, where to start. You can make a plan or just pick something to start on. Can't choose? Throw a dice. It doesn't matter where you start. 
  • Don't want to do it (or the leg work). Don't do it. Can someone else do this for you? Is there a different approach that you can take?
  • Don't know how. Google it! 
  • Don't believe / have faith in the idea / project. Be clear on the value of what you are doing. It may not be the end game that is valuable, but the doing.
  • People around me are unsupportive. Change whom you discuss the project with. Find a supporter.
  • Wanting it to be perfect. Done is the new perfect.
  • Life getting in the way. When things are out of control, take a break for a while, and give yourself a break.
  • Too tired. Get more sleep.It's not rocket science.
  • Lack of confidence. This is a toughy. Confidence comes from doing. It's OK not being confident. Just walk around this obstacle.
  • Another priority takes over. Do whatever is most important. Take the pressure of yourself.

Sometimes starting is not about taking that first step, it's about removing the obstacle in your path.


start, productivity

  • Hits: 544
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