The 3-step post-it-note hack

post a note to move forward despite overwhelm

When there is a lot to do, it can be difficult to do anything.

A foreboding to-do list, tight deadlines or pressure to perform can create paralysing anxiety. Here's a hack to keep getting things done.

The 3-step post-it note hack

You are feeling tense, you have got a lot of things to do, time is tight, it is difficult to focus.

1. Write down your list

Grab a pen and paper, a stylus and e-notebook, or a keyboard and blank word document. Spill those to-do beans and write your list; get it out of your head and onto the page.

2. Pick a task

Pick the most important or the quickest or the frog or the one you feel like doing or the one that starts with the first letter of the alphabet or the one with the most alliteration. You know the drill, it doesn't matter where you start, getting anything done that needs doing is progress.

3. Write it on a post-it note

Write it on a post-it note. Stick it somewhere in view. Put away that list. Now just deal with the single-task post-it note.

start, productivity, overwhelm

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